Wildflower bloom in Death Valley National Park

Despite the dry, hot summer conditions in Death Valley, springtime often brings a luscious bloom of colorful wildflowers. Just a little bit of winter rain can bring an abundance of life to Death Valley. With mild temperatures in the 60-70s, mid-February to mid-May is the best time to explore the park and enjoy the wildflowers. Will this year be a great year for wildflowers? Only time can tell! We have had a few early winter rain storms so make your plans to visit in the Spring and see what nature has in store.

Peak Blooming Periods

Mid-February to mid-April at lower elevations (valley floor and alluvial fans)

  • Best Areas: Jubilee Pass, Highway 190 near The Inn, base of Daylight Pass
  • Look for: desert star, blazing star, desert gold, mimulus, encelia, poppies, verbena, evening primrose, phacelia, and various species of cacti (usually above the valley floor).

Early April to early May at 2,000 to 4,000 ft. elevations

  • Best areas: Panamint Mountains
  • Look for: paintbrush, Mojave desert rue, lupine, Joshua tree, bear poppy, cacti and Panamint daisies.

Early May to mid-July above 4,000 ft. elevations

  • Best areas: High Panamints
  • Look for: Mojave wildrose, rabbitbrush, Panamint daisies, mariposa lilies and lupine.

For more information on the current wildflower conditions, visit the Death Valley National Park’s Wildflower blog, Death Valley National Park’s Wildflower Report and Desert USA’s Wildflower Report.